Monday, November 12, 2007

Lost and found

When someone loses her confidence, she loses everything.

her self,
her dignity,
her pride,
her beau,
her value,
her conscious,

A little something came back to me today. Indeed, home is a good emotional hospital. I spend some time on my own in the bedroom to figure things out. As long as I keep reminding myself, "a mountain is higher than another mountain", thinking of how many times I thought that's the one for my life, thinking of I am still so young... I've seen too far, something that is unreachable is imagined the most beautiful. I forgot thats just what I imagined. I can only sigh, something when its not yours, its not yours lar...

I am being spoiled of getting what I want. If I can fight this rationally, I am sure I gonna get whatever I want. Just that confidence loses me. Before fighting I already expect to lose. The more I am afraid I will lose, the more I lose, and the next thing is I am losing. Thats me... A spoiled pretty lady. Hahaa...


Every stupid thing that I've seen so hard becomes easy, casual now. I have yet many other things to achieve. Pausing just 1 second for it is a waste of time for that silly matter.


Anonymous said...

good thing that u can see things more openly. dun lock yourself in a small room la. the world still very big and interesting things are yet to be discovered. after a round trip, u'll get to know more and decide by then wat u really want. the word u are searching for is 任性, ren xing.

anyway, free bumps.


Anonymous said...

my fren once taught me these..
"nth 2 lose if u wanna fight 4 it"
then u'll become brave enough 2 fight 4 it..n maybe sometimes u'll get reward by it..(although i din)
but maybe u can le..who knows..
remember..nth 2 lose..kampate..