Sunday, December 24, 2006

Change--> Changing--> Changed

This is a cycle. THings kept changing. Before we realises, another change have changed. I was talking with my mum on the car, regarding the heavy rain. Mum was saying, this is the ever 1st time rain strike so heavily and earlier than expected. 2 words caught me. "1st time" and "expected".

If there is no 1st time, will there be 2nd time and forth? Today, is there anything that we can expect?

Today, your boyfriend may be telling you, "I love you forever". Your best friend may tell you, "No matter what happened, how bad we quarreled, I'll help you whenever you need" Your friend may tell you, " i like you so much that I doubt we will even quarrel".

Is there anything as absolute?

I told my mum, "1st time?? hahaha maybe 10 years later, M'sia will have snow too!

Mum said, "impossible"


Impossible???? Is there anything as IMPOSSIBLE?

Give it 100 years back, you think our fellow ancestors believe just a square box can communicate with people thousand miles away? then get reply instantly? You think our ancestor believe a small case can capture and print out the image we saw? What will they think if they saw another clone of them standing right in front of their eyes?

(okay~ i know my proof are not strong enough...PLease~~ for the sake of I've already tried very hard to porve nothing is impossible, let me convince you, believe me...)

To be a great winner is to be a survivor. Adapt to change. Take as it comes. Live life cool.

(my 6 years old, felisza's phrase; "cool man!" haha)

Just remember, always darkest before dawn. Sunshine after rain. No matter what, life goes, if you can choose to be happy or sad, why choose to frown?


P/s : My house will be holding a bbq party on christmas eve. Everyone is invited!

1 comment:

HeavenOfJuly said...

Ya,if u can choose to be happy,why choose to be frown?
Enjoy the happiness,who cares how it come and why it come.

Nothing is impossible