How many of us spent our time, lazying around on bed? I went for a visit in Old Folks Home somewhere at Kajang with New Community today.
Lavin asked me, do you actually know how your parents fed you spoon by spoon last time? Even when you don't eat, they come out with all kind of stories, to trick you eating something, just to fill your tummy. Even if you still don't eat, they grab you hard, pain in heart, STILL, they force you to eat just a spoonful of food. Making sure, their kid is fed. Imagine how mummys care and love their hard time they had, when you are sick...
See this...
Remember at times when you did something terribly wrong, everyone else gave you that kind of eyes, YOUR PARENTS are the people that will always be there, believe you, trust you, give you chances again and matter what happened.
Why? Because you are their kid. They are your family. No matter what happened, this fact can never change.
There are times that we said we are boring, we have nothing to do... If everyone is willing to spend sometime, visiting old folks home around...sacrifice just a few of your boring hours, do you actually know how much joy and laughters you can bring to these old folks?
A little of your effort, can contribute so much to their life. Why not?
THe machine that Christien was talking about is a health scanning we did for the old folks. Christien said never trust the machine because his scan result was not very positive. Muahahahaha
I tested. And its all in healthy level.
Hey, so nice of you guys..its true, i dun understand how some people can abandon their parents. I mean, no matter how much you do for your parents, you can never repay them enough. Forget about how much money they spend on you and all...just think about how they sacrificed their time, and one big part of their life raising you...
i last hug my mum 2 years past. it's been a while since i called her. my dad is already not here. this will certainly make me trigger some homesick-ness level in me. mum, i miss u.
hey Cheryl, the pretty gurL...
Nice meeting u today...hehehe =)
Nowadays, the youngsters really need to be educated bout how to honour, love and care for their parents...sigh..s0me of them r really pity..and especially the aunt. whom suffer from 4th stage cancer..
I'm sure u r a "guai guai lui".. lol...we won't be one of those dat dump their parents... =)
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