Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Understand this!

Looking at the fishes in the pond
we saw the fishes swimming in the water freely
clearly in our eyes, without water, they will die
but living is like fish in the water
we do not sense the existence of air
like us living in the water without realising.


Anonymous said...

let me think ....
( 2o minutes later )
my answer will be fish need water to live and human need air to live :P
-the end-

Anonymous said...


Perhaps one of the shortest post (in length),


Could be one of the deepest post (in meaning)

I also need 20 minutes, maybe more...

Anonymous said...


this could be a very good post-up for a very important event

"Program membanteras pencemaran air dan udara"

this post, certainly has much more meaning than what we learned in Pendidikan Moral by plain saying "tanpa air, ikan mati; tanpi udara, manusia mampus"


Good one, Cheryl.. still need further 20 minutes

cheryl said...

it takes me more than 20 minutes (i guess) to make it as short and as meaningful as possible!

Anonymous said...

Nyam nyam..didn't know you can be so philosophical..but it is true.. Wah so proud of our confucius-a. (girls name sure got a at the back.)hahahaha..

sharman said...

wonder what its like to have a tail n swim all day? sure very 'cool'....hmmmmmm....hahahahah :P :P :P

cheryl said...

stephanie : thank you...hua hua, AM PROUD too :P

sharman : im a fish myself...a type of fish that haven't been recognised/found. I am "shi yu"