Sunday, November 12, 2006

I hate im woman

woman is sooOOOOooo crazy!

I hate myself because woman do things funnily. First, woman sacrifice for man! They do it happily without people asking them or requesting them to. Willingly, and they said in the begining that they are enjoying doing those sacrifices.

Then, one day, she suddenly wake up...feeling extremely tired. In her mind "WHATS WRONG WITH ME?" Wondering why is she making her life miserable...thinking...why does she need to answer his call everytime? Why must she be there when he wants her to? Why she needs to make herself so tired for a no-future? Why must she wait for him everyday? Sometimes even till dawn? Wake up early in the morning just to say good morning and BLA~!!!! (those are the things normal couple and stupid woman do rite?)

And what woman do, is...cancel all her activities to make herself available for man~~ What man do, is...continue his life's schedule~

Life, where got fair?GRRRRR

Woman wanted to complain. Yes we do. Feel lucky if your woman didn't complain! But most woman complaint. Smart woman bear the bitterness and swallow it all by herself. *AWW so bitter* haha because smart woman thinks what the heck? He has no fault. He never asked me to. So we the woman is left, wordless, become a crazy woman who likes to complain! ARRGG

What do we woman want??? We 1st say, we will sacrifice happily, then we complain! APALAH~!!!! I hate woman!

Can anyone turn me to a man? To have a woman treat me like this? haha~

"women are from venus, men are from mars"

John Gray says, woman likes to compliant, and guy will offer solutions to solve the problem. Sorry we don't want solution! We only want somebody to listen to. SOMEBODY to share. Then, after all the complaints, eventually, she will feel better. (Yeah, i did feel better now)

When a man complaint, woman likes to offer unsolicited advice. This makes a man think he can't solve the problem by himself(arrogant I say!). When woman 'help' a man with his prolem, he thinks woman is underestimating him. Don't trust him.


Thank you John Gray. Now i know...Woman just want to let man knows that exactly what amount of sacrifices a woman has done. To be appreaciated. YEAY woman really can count! Coz she don't want her sacrifices to be wasted. I mean, what is the use of doing it when a man don't know the exact total? hahaha CRAZY WOMAN!


Anonymous said...

hmm...guess i learn 1 great value...
guyz must try n understand woman feeling, not juz try and find solution. BUT listen to their opinion and share with them...
anyway i am glad to know right now.from now on i will treat my gf better and undertand her more :P
i am trying my best!~

cheryl said...

muackss~~ love you!

Nalajas said...

just dropping by! :p

Anonymous said...


By the way,

Some ladies are just- GREAT!!


cheryl said...

WHO WHO anoh?

me ar?

hiak hiak hiak hiak


Anonymous said...

All I know is her name, she is

"Zing, Ama-Zing"


(Casino Royale- fever~)