Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fried rice

Cooking a good fried rice is easy...SEEMS!

Cook the rice, boil the oil, fry the garlic, carrot and mushroom, then, add the rice and chili padi. Mix with soy souce to the rice. And add all the additional ingredients you want to add. Like vege, hotdog, or any others like.

THats it. Easy?

Frying a rice is simple.

But when to add those ingredient? When the fire should turn biger or smaller....

If timing and heat is not well handled...the rice will turn overcooked. Once it is overcooked, nobody will eat your rice. AND you will have to throw it away.

Certain people may think it will be a waste if we are to throw it away. They ate it. But the taste of overcooked will be there and you can't help feeling uneasy about the bad taste.

I cook fried rice for my family today... :)

Same things go to managing people in life.


Anonymous said...

Just had fried rice. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

yummy ~
u make me hungry d.

Nalajas said...

aiyo.hot not ur fried rice?