Tuesday, May 20, 2008


If you don't have enough money, don't get sick. Take care of yourself. The film that cost RM 91 including tax.

If you can see anything...

The report...

The summary bill. Doctor's consultation fee, RM 88. Just to read the report from X-ray department and give some of his opinion and medication.

The antibiotics that cost RM 224. Each tablet cost RM 11.20. Enough for you to have 2 good meals every day.

I was like, "HARRR?? are you sure this is the amount?" when the nurse bill me.


Edward エドワード said...

hey how u?? everything alrite?? GET WELL SOON...i'll help praying =)

Anonymous said...

Tan Shi Yer?
mistake i guess ~

cheryl said...

phyne : hmm...should be alright. Thanks!

anony : well, the imaging department wrote my name wrongly.