Monday, October 30, 2006


THings we saw...all have a worth. Easier to understand...How do we value? $$$MOney$$$ We said it as everything has got a price tag.

No matter how old a thing is...It has a value, a sum. But value-ing a human? THat will be the most complicated sum a mathematician can count!

You work. You were valued...mostly through the money, mind my words! The money that you have invested in your studies. Im not being narrow minded. My point of view is many people reach University BUT they actually aren't qualified at all. Old people say, reaching degree level, people will look at you highly. Automatically, your value rise. But Mr. Robert Kiyosaki said, "the times has changed, advice haven't"

BEcause you know what, last time education cost ALOT. And most, i said most! not all, who get the chance to further their studies will learnt. And mostly they are working cum studying. THey are learning, or adapting or praticing the knowledge they are learning.

Most people nowadays...go college because they have money! Or maybe force by their parents. I ask you, how many people say...

"YEAHHH!! Im going to learn something new today in college!"

haha not me...not you. Perhaps even susah(difficult) to find even one. Why? BEcause things come too easy. Or maybe the education system now should change?

So i change Mr Kiyosaki's words...

"The times had changed, education system haven't"

Now, the younger generation of us, is much more inteligent COMPARED to the older ones. Technolgy helps of course.

Last time, it seems degree level is unreachable...and now~ it is everywhere!!

So the price has drop. MEaning, human's value drop. But why oil, sugar, rice keep on increase???

My GOD! Will next time sugar's price become higher than human's price?

So we don't keep children anymore...we keep sugar! Buy house to keep sugar?

Im insane~


On my friendster old post last time, i posted an entry call "waiting" remember? I said...

"indeed, waiting is a nice like a hope...about to reach, yet to come. Have you ever taste this kind of feeling before? because waiting is a blank future we will fantasize positive feedback that deep in our heart, we wanted! (",) Well, of course, if positive feedback becomes a reality, that will be so much better. However most of the time, i doubt that will happen rite? Instead often we get what we really don't want! So, although the waiting period of time is short, but i honestly enjoy it. Where you can dream so much about things you want it to happen. And who knows? It might just happen 1 day...."

Now i want to add something. You DO feel good when you are waiting but

YET you matter how long-er you wait... how positive the fact happy of waiting and it comes later..

WHen in the know you CAN't HAVE IT......

It feel SUCKS!

So afterall...its only a short, temporary happiness but long term sadness.


Anonymous said...

hmmm...guess wut u say is right.
last time i do have this feeling...
tot all might be come true cuz everything seems so perfect. but all of sudden it all change. tat feeling DO SuCks...
anyway dun let this sadness take over ur happniness.
everything happen for a reason,BUT reason only happen when everything happen happened :P

cheryl said...

hahahah stop repeating ur philosophy laa!!!

Anonymous said...


We draw different lines at different destinations;

There'll be endless destinations- an ending is the begining of another end...

Somehow, along the journey (where leads you to the "new begining");
treasure and cherish the beauty moments...


cheryl said...

don put anonymous laa...

at least i have something to be looking forward for discount off the hatening ending.

This proves my 2 months holiday not totally empty...

Looking positive :)

Anonymous said...

i have no idea what anyone is talking about but what the hell, post comment just for the heck of it. I'm so sick of pharqing economics. I'd willingly exchange it for your BP boredom. Bleah. Bleah. Buek.

cheryl said...

chill la step!

Anonymous said...

haha...seems like i starting to love my philosophy. blek
anyway is any1 agree wif my PHILOSOPHY????
pls tell me ur rating bout my philosophy..
thank. :P

cheryl said...

can i rate 0 out of 10?
hahahah blek

Anonymous said...

u so bad T.T

Anonymous said...

i give it an 8

cheryl said...

waahh got so high maarrr...

Anonymous said...

not like some1 oh...
give 0!!!!
anyway thx anynomous for ur rating
thank you.
and thanx to u too dear for ur GOOD rating...
hope to receive more rating

Anonymous said...


if i were you Ron (if i'm not mistaken, you are her bf?), i wouldn't comment on anything from now on.