Saturday, June 23, 2007

Again, my friends.

I went to Kelvin's house because I was so hungry. He asked me to wait for him to finish fold his clothes 1st, then he will accompany me to eat. He actually just came back from eating with his friends. Who knows, it ended up raining heavily. I sat there for a while, then came back. He insist to send me with his umbrella. He was all wet, I was dry.

Kinda unhappy, because its such a rare chance that I feel like eating SUPPER, after so so long.... I told my friend, "even i want to eat, god also don't let me eat~~"

So I sat in front of my comp, and suddenly somebody knock on my door. He brought me a maggi goreng. Its raining heavily, mind you. I feel like crying eating that maggi. I did! I'm truly touched. He is way so good. Unbelievable good. Innocently good. We are true friends, if you think he is after me.... BIG NO! ARRGGG....How can a person treat another person so nice?


My bro-in law called from S'pore just now, he is starting his own business. I am so proud of him!


I remembered there was once, a few of us(my secondary school mates) sat down together, and we talked about death. We talked about how fragile life is...and 1 day, we are going to die, probably just next second. We were seriously discussing this issue. I told all my friends, not to be sad if 1 day I am gone.

Stephanie said, "that is not something you can request from your friends!!!"

I was surprised with her sudden emotional reaction. Its so real. How selfish that request is...I mean, how can I expect people around me not to feel sad at all? Its so weird~~

My intention was actually just, I don't want them to held back their life, or feel sad because of me. I will be gone for a good reason. And that reason is definately not going to be, making friends sad.

Probably is something like, a lesson to let them treasure their life...or appreciate people around them...Live life to fullest? or do what you want to do while you still have chance to...

If I'm going to die tomorrow, what will you do today?

If i died tomorrow, will you regret of what you had done to me today?
Sorry to write this, I was just told somebody passed away. Suddenly i thought of the night, me, Wendy, Hema and stephanie talked about this issue.

Big hugs, my friends! I love you all. Truly.

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