I open my door with this(breakfast)....
Hanging there...
My heart actually pumps very fast. I don't think I deserve such a thing first of all. No people will do such a thing with the intention, as he said, its his dream to make me smile. No matter in the end how it will turn out, he just wanna carry out his dream to make it true.
This is so crazy isn't it?
Tell me all this is just some guys' trick I had always believe...
I told him, and guess what he say? I can have my lifetime to test him sincere.
Update: Another surprise by cute Jamie...
And this is the "flaming lamborgini" on my birthday~

lol,must be a guy trick of course..
who so silly beleive such thing. XD
love you dear
dont post out this comment,wan let u know only.unless u wan let everyone know :P
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