You notice anything weird?
Excuse me? who the hell will notice stalls selling balloons at such stuffy place? WHo the hell will bother to buy balloons? KIDS??? Have you seen any kids in pudu holding balloons??? @@
I laugh my lung out see-ing this!!! Man, okay, fine "hell passport". I suppose in hell, they don't have immigration? Coz they have no passport to they will all depends on their beloved to burn for them. Wait, how do we know whether these are not fake? Why didn't we burn them IC or something? (maybe got pun!)
My hippo and T100 in my BP HOMIEEE~~~
My lappie is back alive. KNS format need to pay wan...i never know~~50 bucks! GRRR
I innocently thought its FOC.
Im going back tomorrow anyway. Can't study at all at home. I haven't touch a thing for micro. Been sleeping SOO DAMN MUCH!
CIao~off to study.
1 comment:
Wah, who's the smartie selling those stuffs in May, at Pudu Bus Terminal?
Demand comes first or supply? emm...
But at least, if ever running out of idea where to get (those), will know where to get...
Thanks for the tips!! :)
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