We went to visit the campsite today, so with Mr Ng(our inspirer, motivator and trainer) there, I tried on 1 of the obstacle course.
When I first see it, I thought it wasn't very hard.
When I step on it, I can't even balance myself standing still, I thought it is impossible for me to reach the end.
I tried. Failed.
Again. Failed.
Irene tried, failed.
Irene 2nd trying. Failed.
Mr Ng, a 68 years old man, step his leg on it. Commented, "its harder than it seems..."
He tried, succeeded in his 1st attempt slowly.
I tried again, failed.
Again, failed.
Mr Ng told me, its all about confidence, whether your mind think you can do it. (Because I was telling myself I can't do it from the beginning...and that develops in my brain, telling my body, I can't do it)
Whenever I start walking, the whole thing shakes and the more I tried to control...it shakes even harder...when I tell my brain I can't. Nothing is shaking, my leg is the one making it shake like mad. You can't believe how much it shakes...
I rested for a few minutes.
Then I step on it. Take a deep deep breathe. Concentrate REALLY REALLY HARD. It shakes alot, but I continue and told myself, MAN, I CAN DO IT!
I succeeded, with alot of encouragement from Mr Ng. Though in a kind of mess.
I tried again.
It takes much shorter time. AND
it almost doesn't shake.
Mr Ng saw it, he said...."you see...now you can do it well. Why?"
Because I've succeeded in it before, and I am so confident that I can reach the end.
Maybe it doesn't show how huge is the different here. But I am so impressed and I learn a great lesson here. How a person should concentrate and control your body to work with it.
I realized why I am so much better in doing things that I am familiar with. At few times during the journey, Mr Ng realized that I have a bad habit of telling myself I cannot this and that, and I think all about the obstacles first without thinking how to turn the obstacles into benefits(I still didn't really get this yet). But yeah, I do have this habit. I tell myself I cannot first...before this I thought we should be prepared for the worse, by telling ourselves is hard, then we will work harder for it. I never realized these thoughts can develop alot in your mind, and indirectly it will convey these negatives thoughts towards people before you notice it...and fail your attempt seemingly like its nothing to do with us, as expected it is not easy to succeed.
Mind development.
It takes 21 days to form a habit, provided you are conscious about it.
We also learn about fear, but I've read that in books and felt it before. So, nothing much about that.