Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I remembered once i told kelvin, I wasn't the Cheryl he used to know anymore. If I told him what I had been doing, he will be so disappointed with me. Yeah, I told him from the bottom of my heart.

And from the bottom of his heart, he said, "girl, everyone has her ups and down. I will not be disappointed with you, just by judging you at the time that you were down."

GOSH, I was so touched when I heard that. Yeay, I almost cried.

Its 3. I can't sleep.

I just did something so irresponsible. Maybe its responsible? It could be an excuse.

Well, I had accepted an offer as a moderator for a forum next week 2 weeks ago. My big event is on this weekend, which I will be so busy getting the income statement done by next week. I knew I will be busy. I reluctantly accepted the offer which it shouldn't happen from the begining. However, I did ask them to find a replacement if possible, nobody took it seriously.

For your information, what I understand about a moderator is that, somebody who controls the whole situation. Especially Q&A part, when nobody ask any question, the moderator will have to come out with question, spontaneously or by asking question inside the answer given by the panelist. At time when a panelist speak too much, you will have to stop them politely.

Also for your information, I had never been a proper emcee throughout my whole life. I never thought I can be a very good one for I am just a virgin emcee. Somemore is so challenging, not just reading your script. Somemore I am going to be so so so busy throughout the week, which makes me so have no time to practice or do some further research on the topic.

Thus, with all these "excuses", I am giving up all the effort I had did in the society, risking to be black listed, as I have just send the irresponsible message to the chairman of the society.

I am regret for accepting the offer. Regret for dragging it so long. Say whatever you want. I think I have my reason doing this. I hope 1 week time its not overly late for a replacement.

I am introducing Ian to them. I think he can do so much better than me and its kind of a good exposure for him since MIA president is one of the panelist. Ian, I will be so so so so happy if you can do me this favour if they approach you, coz your number was given...weehaa~ u are welcome to screw me :P Anyway,I really think you are so eligible for this.

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