Saturday, June 07, 2008

The day

Yesterday I went SHOPPING!!!! YEAH! I am so happy...

Few weeks ago, i saw this clothes, but didn't buy. I was so damn regret and keep thinking abt it.

And yesterday I went to buy it...

The owner of the shop introduce me this...but I think its too girlie, it didn't suit my style, although I think its quite nice.
This is not bad too...but I didn't buy.

This is another dress that I saw last time but didn't buy...yeah I bought it! A bit regret didn't buy blue.
At that time I think blue looks weird on me. But when I came home, I thought maybe I just never wear a blue before, thats why I am not used to it. Should have tried blue, new color on myself.

This 1 is nice, but quite expensive. So I didn't grab it.

This 1 is what my friend introduce me, I think my chest looks much more flatter than it already is. So I didn't buy.

And right after the shopping, I came back bath and changed...straight go poppy wearing my new dress. Reach there quite late, and its VERY pack. Its really a bad experience laa...although the liquor there taste good, but is too pack, and so we stay upstair which they put trance music, I don't like~~

Pic is smoky coz they put the ice for smoke effect.


Stephanie Francesca Pereira said...

I think the "expensive" one is the nicest.

1st dress - not bad. look like got some boobs.

2nd dress - you're right. Too girly. =S

3rd dress - dunno why, but doesn't really suit you.

4th & 5th dress - I think I like the pink one more. ^^

6th dress - suits you. Except for the length. Maybe if you wear proper shoes will be different.

7th dress - Your comment made me look at your boobs. In fact, I think I've been looking at your boobs in all the pictures. They look the biggest in the 1st one. =D

Sigh, sorry la. I'm too free. Got nothing better to do but scrutinize your boobs. 0.0

Edward エドワード said...

LOL, so how many clothes u end up buying??? and i like the last dress, the white one, it looks amazingly beautiful...hahah, i think now u club more than me wei...LOL

cheryl said...

haha i didn't buy both u 2 mention that are nice...sad sad~

phyne : I bought 2. And U club less than me becoz u r now stuck at UK. Wahahaha

pinkpowerranger : i appreciate ur comments laa... ;) Im going back bp on 13 June. U back?

婕米恩 said...

hahaha..finaly u bought it..

Stephanie Francesca Pereira said...

Yeah, I'm back in BP, got 3 months holiday. Think I'll be in KL though that weekend, got some dinner. Let me know when you get back la. I think Michelle also will be around till then.