Sunday, March 21, 2010

My goal?

Its almost been 1 month I started a new life in Singapore. Last week, I made 2 big mistake in work. 1 of it was accidentally changed the "empress dowager's" doc. It causes a mess, my head sent an email to apologise but she wanted to "avoid" such thing happened again, she wanted to unaccess our dept towards that data. It will caused my dept a great trouble in future. My head explain how inconvenience it will be to us, so she basically shut up, I just hope this mistake will not be brought up again. The 2nd mistake was update something wrongly, causes finance dept's cost changes.

At the beginning, I told myself that I wanted to complete CIMA in 2 years time (4 more papers left). ----> currently, I've done nothing to it.

My goal is to obtain PR in 1 year time. To own a flat or watsoever place in 3 years time. My goal seems so far away. I wanted to be somebody in 2 years time. Can I acheieve that? I doubt...

Basically, when I realized the 2nd mistake was made, I was totally blank and panic. Luckily my DEpt head is really a very good person. She not only did not scold me, she just told me to be more careful next time and its okay..

My coll are nice too. Get to know them better as time passes. But to me, Singapore is still a stranger place to me. Everything is wholly new. I tell myself all this is just a beginning. I believe in the choices I made. Someday, Singapore will give me alot of opportunities.

At this moment, I just hope, time passes more quickly.


ALTK said...

Nvm gal... I believe with your ability, u can achieve n get what u dream of sooner or later.. Gv urself some time..You'll find the way... May God be with u always..

ALTK said...
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yhann said...

dont give up ^^