Waiting to be served~
Welcome to Italianese...We just have nothing better to do laa~
They serve you bread with olive oil while waiting... for your orders...
So while waiting...all of us took pictures~ Like advertising for Italiannese only~
My strawberry smoothies is nice!!!
This is the seafood spag, MYGODNESS, the scrimp is truly amazing...damn fresh and crunchy! I donno how to describe is just fantastic...yummylicious~
The pizza was finished before I manage to grab a picture...its not very nice afterall, so never mind lah~
This is tiramisu..ALSO very NICE!!! The cheeses is just nice, coffee superb...I can't stop saying, "ohhh itss so nicee", everytime i put a spoonful into my mouth.
Back to study. Here is the peak season of midterms and assignment due dates. Duration is 1 month. God bless me. Next week 2 mid terms. Next Next week, 2 midterms. Next next next week, 1 mid term, 2 assignment due. Next next next next week, 1 midterm 3 assingments due. Peak?
Gonna guai guai sit at home and STURDEY~