Wednesday, March 02, 2011


My work starts to get pressure as I am still new. Many things needs to be follow up, and I am still in a blur kind of situation. Though quite interesting, I like the job. It will just take time for me to blossom.

Something happened yesterday on my job. I am in charge of Pakistan market, and we appoint agent to get order. Many agents in the same market.

So yesterday was the first day of the month. Day before we had a meeting, and the manufacturer association (according to our general manager) said that critical is the condition now, with raw material (high demand low supply) and customer ( low demand low supply). Interesting eh?

So everybody are trying different strategy. I was told to annouce new increased price. To all agent together in 1 email so as to convey the message that we did not favor any agent in the same market, all are given at the same price. And I guess 1 of the agent was too panic to see price increase, he immediately reply that he is going to place order already, still waiting for customer's confirmation, therefore he would want things to be in old price.

Everything was right except he reply send to all!

THen, when he realized that, he send a message to my senior, my Ass manager and manager, saying that I leak out p&c info to outsiders. Wuhoo~~

I was afraid. seriously, when my AM look at me, and asked did I send out information to outside...we didn't know which he were refering to. I thought I send the wrong mail to the wrong agent or what...

She checked my mail and found none. And she guessed its the new quotation I sent to all agents together. Then she receieved the mail, regarding that particular agent sent to all others agent and me, revealing customer's name.

She called my manager to explain, they were all in KL's exhibition.

Today morning, that agent's boss sent 2 email, to manager, AM, asking why did I send that mail to all, it causes his employee to leak out info, making all the others agent know that those customer's name, and therefore other agent will approach their customer.

Exciting? 2nd week of my job.

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