Monday, June 14, 2010


Sometimes there are things that we wanted so much, but as we grow up, we realized that not everything that we wished could come true. It is very naïve to think so. In fact, that’s stupid. Sometimes a simple wish could be hard to make it sound. Coz there are too many considerations as we grew up. Too many considerations….

You can’t be selfish to request that much from people… you gotto think the other way round and convince urself that, its OKAY~! Perhaps you don’t like what you wish. So you create a lie and convince yourself and everybody else.. and then, you realized it becomes so real sometimes even you doubt IF you really like it that way…

Then, amazingly, you started to enjoy and you forget about the idea of what you really wanted and what you really like. Who cares? As long as we live life happy. Is this right?

Fight for what you really want? haha If getting what you want require others to sacrifice just simply anything, regardless of whether they are willing or not, THEY ARE sacrificing for your tiny wish, Is that right? I rather not want it and forgo what I wanted… Silly? Maybe…I don deserve people to do things for me....

Nothing is perfect.

These thoughts came from someone that asked me whats my plan for my coming birthday ( yeay I AM SENDING OUT REMINDERS!! haha). I said no need to celebrate…is just another day, which is true to me alsoso, 1 of my wishes for my coming birthday : All the people I love to be with me…. IMPOSSIBLE~!

A better wish : People whom I love greet me a happy birthday and pray for my happiness.

Thank you!

Sometimes, I asked myself, "can you even be true to yourseld?", yes I can, but is there a need to do so?

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