Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Many times, we often see people taking picture, saying that the photos were not nice enough, and so they will retake and retake, and retake and retake...again and again...until the end, they didn't really satisfy but just feeling awkward of taking too many times again.

So how nice is a nice picture? Who is the people that defines beautiful?

It is in my handphone that "confidence is the key to beautiful". Isn't beautiful are defined by human and aren't you a human too? We say, beauty is in the eye of beholder. So if you are confident enough to think and convinced that you are matter what picture you take, you would be satisfied. And so do the rest.

People whom thinks herself as not pretty enough, always ended up not satisfied although retaking uncountable times of their own picture. People say photoshop works. But most of the "after-photoshop picture" later shows someone that don't really look like yourself. SO are you trying to be someone else? Another "beautiful" person that you hope you can be? Isn't that creating another identity based on your look? So who is this "after-photoshop girl"? You or your-dream-look-identity?

Either be her! OR stay who you are. We are all unique, we are all special...we are beautiful in our own ways. Be confident of youself. So accept your own look. If you like people to say you are beautiful, make them say you are beautiful because you really are. The real you! Not someone else that you dreamed to be, not the fake you that you photoshoped.

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